
Dan's bio

Real Name: Classified
Status: Owner, Founder
Location: Alabama
Age: 28
AIM: dclemm79
Yahoo!: dan9697
Fav JP Toy: JP Series 1 Adult T-Rex

I started (originally JPTC) out of my passion for collecting JP toys and of course, Jurassic Park. I was 13 when the first JP film hit the big screen and was hooked to say the least. I decided to start a JP toy site in 2001 when I realized there just weren't many complete resources for the JP toy fan out there. As we enter 2008 & beyond, many things have changed around here. Priorities change as you get older and with that change, Armothe & myself decided to turn the the day-to-day running of the site over to Raptoralpha & Kev. We have the utmost faith that they (along with the rest of the staff) will continue to keep as your #1 destination for JP toys news & information!

Favorite Quote: "Watcha gonna do when Hulkamania runs wild on you!?" - Hulk Hogan